life style

life style

Lifestyle (in English: LifeStyle) is not a new concept, for more than thousands of years, people have been trying to know and manage their lifestyles, and even governments have tried to influence the lifestyles of their own people; You can even bet that people who have never heard such a word have hidden an idea of an ideal life for themselves in a corner of their heart, in the wrinkles of their brains and in the black holes of their minds!

Everyone has their own lifestyle! Although this lifestyle may be different from one person to another or from one culture to another, we can say that even people who have no lifestyle actually have a lifestyle!
Lifestyle design, like the fields of industrial design and digital design, is considered an umbrella field that includes different trends, but it is better to start and before answering how you can become a lifestyle designer, let's understand that style what is life let's start…

But it's better to start and before answering how you can become a lifestyle designer, let's understand "what is a lifestyle?" Let's begin…


What is lifestyle or LifeStyle?
Although everyone is talking about lifestyle these days, there is still no consensus on the definition of lifestyle, of course we should not expect that. Psychologists, sociologists, marketers, economists, politicians, and other professionals use this term for different needs, and it is natural for each of them to consider their own definition and conceptualize it in a different style.

For example, when you read the works of Max Weber as a sociologist and the writings of Alfred Adler as a psychologist, you will see that the term lifestyle does not have the same meaning for them;

Adler says that lifestyle is something that is imprinted on a person's mind until the age of five or six; The image he has of himself, his ideal self and the world around him and the way he decides to regulate his relationship with the world around him based on it;

But rather than having an individual view of lifestyle, Max Weber sees it as a common feature of social groups:

"Lifestyle means the specific way of life of an individual, group, or society. Lifestyles include a set of values, ways of behaving, moods and tastes in anything and can refer to the interests, opinions, behaviors and behavioral orientation of an individual, group or culture. People's lifestyle and the path they choose for themselves has a deep connection with their success in life.

Since observing human behavior is not always and everywhere possible, many researchers prefer to examine people's choices in their daily life as a second-hand sign of various lifestyles instead of people's behaviors.

All of us are worried about our health and our family's health every day and we use solutions to achieve our health and well-being.
such as going to the doctor or performing periodical tests and checkups; But unaware of the fact that one of the important causes of human diseases is related to our lifestyle;
Modifying the lifestyle in its general sense, psychologically and physically, can be one of the best ways to prevent the occurrence of various diseases in humans;

Fortunately, today, with the increase in society's information and more access to scientific and medical articles, more people are willing to check the health of their lifestyle, and clinics and counseling centers are expanding in developed countries.

Design is a human-centered process and the designer must be able to keep pace with human needs and desires, and since human needs are constantly changing and evolving, there will never be a perfect and perfect design for all eras. This point is what complicates the design process.
In order for designers to be able to walk on the confusing and tortuous path of design, the first requirement is to look at all issues with design glasses and to understand that everything has the ability to be better and more optimized, that's when the ideas to they flow towards us,

This is a principle that we must understand so that we can first of all have a designer lifestyle ourselves and then design products to provide a lifestyle for the society;


Human Centered Design
In the introduction, I mentioned human-centered design, it is not bad to mention this issue here as well, the promise of human-centered design is health, peace, wealth...

Human-centered design is a creative approach to problem solving. This process starts with the people you are designing the product for and ends with new solutions tailored to their needs;

Human-centered design is an approach that is important to understand in the design of products for human lifestyle.

As lifestyle designers, we are somehow designing a new behavior.

The word behavior is understandable for all of us, even if we cannot describe it in a precise and scientific way;
An important part of what is left to us from the past is advice about behavior, what to do and what not to do. For this reason, our ancestors used words such as good behavior and bad behavior and appropriate and inappropriate behavior a lot;

But with the development of the industry, behavior gradually gained a broader concept;
Behavior design is an interdisciplinary skill of psychology, behavioral economics, product management, user experience design, and data science that examines decision-making and behavioral intervention in users. The purpose of behavior design e